The Importance Of Workplace Culture

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  • This week we sit down with Dr. Shahrzad Noovari and talk about workplace culture from the organizational side. She discusses the difference between teams, individuals and leaders and how culture is affected by each. Her and Dave talk about seeking feedback to make positive changes and spending the time to deconstruct to find areas of[...]

This week we sit down with Dr. Shahrzad Noovari and talk about workplace culture from the organizational side. She discusses the difference between teams, individuals and leaders and how culture is affected by each. Her and Dave talk about seeking feedback to make positive changes and spending the time to deconstruct to find areas of strengths and weaknesses and create new ways to grow. Dr. Shahrzad also walks us through WATCH IT, DRIVE IT, and WALK IT.



Dr. Shahrzad Nooravi is an organizational psychologist, Master Certified Coach (MCC) and principal of Strategy Meets Performance, a leadership consulting firm that partners with leaders of mid-sized to Fortune 500 organizations to help them create engaging, innovative and productive cultures. She uses her 20+ years of experience in learning and development, change management, team-building, coaching and employee communications to connect strategy and performance in multi-cultural and international settings. Her clients describe her style as candid, inspiring and empowering.

Dr. Shahrzad has been named “Trailblazer of the Year,” “Citizen of the Year,” and “A Voice to Listen to” for driving positive change in her community.

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Tip of the week:

Learn how to be present in the moment. Pick 3-5 things today and work on them with patience and presence.