The Hidden Opportunity In Your Business

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  • Steven Pemberton is our guest this week as he and Dave talk about retention marketing and the effect this has on your bottom line. They discuss the lifetime value of a customer and analyze new versus existing customers and the cost for each. Steven gives some tips about online visibility and creating trust between company[...]

Steven Pemberton is our guest this week as he and Dave talk about retention marketing and the effect this has on your bottom line. They discuss the lifetime value of a customer and analyze new versus existing customers and the cost for each. Steven gives some tips about online visibility and creating trust between company and customer to establish a good reputation.


In 2020 Steven left the corporate world to pursue his calling.

Steven and his wife built two 7-figure e-commerce businesses which led them to coaching others in business.

Today they use the skills they learned in both of their businesses to run a Virtual Events company called Hollowco that specializes in automated Virtual Events.

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Tip of the week:

Keep moving. Keep Persevering.