Rewinding The Clock On Your Body

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  • In this episode, Olly Wood from Body Reset joins us to talk about more energy, more confidence and more momentum. He is on a mission to help people rewind the clock on their body by finding balance in their life and “filling their own bucket.” He and Dave talk about some health tips and how[...]

In this episode, Olly Wood from Body Reset joins us to talk about more energy, more confidence and more momentum. He is on a mission to help people rewind the clock on their body by finding balance in their life and “filling their own bucket.” He and Dave talk about some health tips and how to use stress to your advantage. As they encourage in the episode, give yourself permission to take care of yourself.  Listening to this episode is a great first step!


Olly Wood got started in the business world after 7yrs as an independent personal trainer. As he started online, he rapidly built a company to over 15 staff in his mid-20s, helping thousands of clients upgrade their body, energy and productivity through a 4 step system he has agreed to share with us. His unique perspective of both running a multi 7 figure company and understanding the behavioral nuances of what truly makes health habits stick after working with thousands of clients, has allowed him to create his own category in the health market of working with busy professionals.

His ability to take complicated topics and simplify them down into actionable steps you can integrate into your busy lifestyle is what makes him a world class coach. Olly has committed the last decade of his life to the development of his Body Reset program alongside world-class coaches that has now impacted 1000s of clients from around the world. Olly is a health expert with a deep background in business and health coaching with a deep background in gut health, biomechanics, leadership, mindfulness and nutrition.

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Tip of the week:

Break down big pieces into simple steps.