How To Use Money As A Tool to Positively Impact Others

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  • This week we are joined by Bob Lotich, founder of SeedTime. He and Dave discuss how to use money as a tool to impact others. They talk about the importance of a company having a positive influence on the world around them, whether that be donating money or products or services or having employees volunteer.[...]

This week we are joined by Bob Lotich, founder of SeedTime. He and Dave discuss how to use money as a tool to impact others. They talk about the importance of a company having a positive influence on the world around them, whether that be donating money or products or services or having employees volunteer. They also talk about the set-it-and-forget-it method of managing money and Bob debunks some of the lies we have been told about our finances.


Bob Lotich is a financial coach married to a butterfly-chasing spender so he gets it. His new book Simple Money, Rich Life is the operating manual he and his wife Linda (a middle-class couple) followed to pay off over $400k of debt and reach a personal goal of giving $1 million by age 40. He currently lives in Franklin, TN with Linda and their three children.

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Tip of the week:

Pay attention to what is going on with your finances.