Emotional Intelligence & Mental Health In Entrepreneurship

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  • In this episode, Dr. Katy Cook shares the importance of emotional intelligence and mental health awareness in entrepreneurship. Learn the four major pillars of emotional intelligence, how to improve your EQ and how leaders can better support their employee's mental health.  
In this episode, Dr. Katy Cook shares the importance of emotional intelligence and mental health awareness in entrepreneurship. Learn the four major pillars of emotional intelligence, how to improve your EQ and how leaders can better support their employee’s mental health.


Dr. Cook is a social psychologist, founder of the Centre for Technology Awareness, and author of The Psychology of Silicon Valley: Ethical Threats and Emotional Unintelligence in the Tech Industry. She is a member of the American Psychological Association, Society of Consulting Psychology, and the Society of Psychologists in Management. Katy holds a PhD in Psychology from University College London and Masters degrees in Psychology and Cultural Studies.

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Tip of the Week:

The reason people cling to hate so strongly is because there is a lot of fear that what is under hate is pain. We avoid a lot of stuff because it’s painful. Try to dive in and learn to sit in uncomfortable situations. That will help you grow.

In this episode, Dr. Katy Cook shares the importance of emotional intelligence and mental health awareness in entrepreneurship. Learn the four major pillars of emotional intelligence, how to improve your EQ and how leaders can better support their employee’s mental health.