Do You Know Your Brand?

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  • Emily Soccorsy joins Dave Molenda this week to discuss how to know and convey your brand. As the co-founder and CEO of Root + River, Emily works with companies who want to discover or rediscover their brand and reach their target market. She and Dave chat about the process of knowing your brand and how[...]

Emily Soccorsy joins Dave Molenda this week to discuss how to know and convey your brand. As the co-founder and CEO of Root + River, Emily works with companies who want to discover or rediscover their brand and reach their target market. She and Dave chat about the process of knowing your brand and how to convey the compassion you have for your brand so that your customer can fully understand your business and what you have to offer.


I believe when we create, we overcome. In my life and career, I’ve had the fortune and opportunity to create for others, and for myself. I’ve seen that creativity bear fruit in the form of information, education, differentiation, meaning, relationships and revenue — among many other memorable and impactful outcomes.

(Although it wasn’t until my third decade that I began to see life and work this way.)

Today, as the co-founder and CEO of Root + River, and as the founder of EmJoy, Inc. I am honored to mindfully bring my intelligence, drive and creativity to bear for our clients. Here’s how I do that:

– Brand messaging: Collaborate with leaders and teams to build brand language rich with meaning and connection

– Brand strategy: Uncover real, relevant brand strategies by guiding and collaborating with leaders who believe their business is destined to make an impact in their industry and/or the world

– Infrastructure coaching: Coach CMOs and marketing leaders on the articulation and rollout of their brand, both internally and externally

– Communication strategy: Enhance the effectiveness of outbound campaigns, collateral, blogs, internal or external communications with sparkling writing and editing consulting

– Smart, soulful marketing: Create smart marketing and right-size social media strategy for mission-driven organizations of all sizes

– Audience differentiation: Guide individuals and organizations to know, articulate and own their differntiators and create content around it

– Make art: Inspire and collaborate on art with artists for the delivery of high-impact expression and marketing.

Root + River is founded on the belief that all brands begin at the root. The root is the heart of the leader, which becomes the soul of the brand.

We partner with leaders who are working to articulate their brand and who want their brand to be an authentic monument to all they believe.

We facilitate a mind-shifting, soul-stirring, art-filled brand discovery process that becomes the bedrock from which all branding organically flows. [root]

We truthfully and empathically guide our clients through the process of Opt-In leadership to take their brand to market through differentiation, value-creation and the development of intellectual property. The result is brand visibility, truth and growth that is based on core attraction instead of selling. [river]

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Tip of the week:

If you are feeling a shift or a change coming, do not ignore it. Take the time to contemplate where you are with your brand and what needs to change to bring you where you want to be.