Discovering Business Growth Strategies

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  • Jonathan Rivera from The Podcast Factory joins us this week and we discuss different business growth strategies. We talk about growing with your clients and using those relationships to help cultivate your business. We also talk about surrounding yourself with people who make you better and avoiding the comparison trap.

Jonathan Rivera from The Podcast Factory joins us this week and we discuss different business growth strategies. We talk about growing with your clients and using those relationships to help cultivate your business. We also talk about surrounding yourself with people who make you better and avoiding the comparison trap.


I’ve been podcasting since 2008.

I know how podcasting can work for your business.

That’s why the top coaches and consultants trust me and my team at The Podcast Factory® to help them leverage the power of podcasting to reach more people, make a lasting impact and become more influential leaders in their communities.

This all started as a personal development project. In a world where too many people focus on only ONE aspect of their lives without integrating the rest, I believe we should all think bigger.

Do more. Have more. Be more. Give more.

I had some cool friends who showed me how to improve my business and my life, from family, faith, fitness, and finances.

I wanted to learn more from them, so I figured I could record our conversations – share them via podcasts – and we would help everyone who listened to us talk.

That’s when I discovered the 1st part of my Direct Response Podcast™ Framework.

I call it The Content Vault™ and it’s a speed influence tool for coaches and consultants that eliminates your market’s objections before they talk to you. Plus, it helps you build rapport with your listeners in minutes instead of years. The effect is a higher close rate and shorter sales cycle because people know they can trust you before they get on a call.

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Tip of the week:

Try to listen more.