Boosting Business By Making An Impact

Boosting Business By Making An Impact
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  • Steve Lowell joins the Positive Polarity Podcast this week to talk about making an impact as a way to boost your business. He and Dave discuss being an authority in your field and delivering value to create new customers and drive your business to success.

Steve Lowell joins the Positive Polarity Podcast this week to talk about making an impact as a way to boost your business. He and Dave discuss being an authority in your field and delivering value to create new customers and drive your business to success.


Steve Lowell is a multi-award-winning speaker, 3x #1 best-selling author, and master trainer for high-impact speakers with a track record that speaks for itself. Having given over 3,500 keynote speeches, 5,000 seminars and trained more than 500,000 speakers globally, Steve delivers innovative strategies that help speakers drive revenue from the stage and build wealth through speaking.

Steve is the Past President of the Global Speakers Federation (GSF) and the Past National President of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS). With over 50 years on stage (Steve started speaking at the age of 6!), thousands trained, and unmatched results, Steve helps speakers craft their signature transformational message and turn it into revenue.

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Tip of the week:

Your story could change lives. Learn to tell it well.